Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Newman's Homecoming!

On July 12th my mission President, President Newman and his wife and kids had their homecoming. It was so good to see them. I only served with them for the last 6 months of my mission but they were incredible! I only got to see them for a few minutes because there were so many people there to see them and Steve had to be back at meetings, but I was so glad that Steve got to meet them. And then a few weeks later my mission companion had a bridal shower so I got to see Sister Newman again and catch up. We are all so glad you are home! Hopefully you don't mind Sister Newman but I stole this picture from your facebook page.


Karen said...

Love your new updates. I love seeing what you have been up to. We miss you! Have a great week.

John and Ann Tolman said...

They are so young, how fun for you to get to a part of their lives "out" of the mission too!

Anonymous said...

Such a fun thing to be reunited with your Mission family:)

Mimi said...

Hey guys-

Found you! I had to look up the email, but here you are!!

Summer it was so great to meet you!! YOU'RE GREAT! It is so neat that you served a mission- and I love your mission presidents name!!

Thanks sooo much for all of your help on Saturday! I really really really appreciate it.

Hopefully we'll see you soon.